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A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in-01
Kohanda seda!
A vacation is necessary-01
A vacation is necessary-01
Kohanda seda!
A wise man travels to discover himself-01
Kohanda seda!
Adventure is worthwhile-01
Adventure is worthwhile-01
Kohanda seda!
always on vacation-01
always on vacation-01
Kohanda seda!
Don't bother me I'm on vacation-01
Don't bother me I'm on vacation-01
Kohanda seda!
Extend your vacation whenever possible-01
Kohanda seda!
help! me i'm on a family vacation-01
help! me i'm on a family vacation-01
Kohanda seda!
Here’s to a vacation of no regrets!-01
Here’s to a vacation of no regrets!-01
Kohanda seda!
I love my job only when I’m on vacation-01
Kohanda seda!
I need a six month vacation, twice a year-01
Kohanda seda!
I need a vacation, not a stupid weekend-01
Kohanda seda!
If I’m going on vacation, I just work ahead-01
Kohanda seda!
Laughter is an instant vacation-01
Laughter is an instant vacation-01
Kohanda seda!
Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing at all-01
Kohanda seda!